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 Tama ba na isuko nalang ang taong mahal ko! tama ba ginawa ko?

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Posts : 2
Join date : 2010-09-17

Tama ba na isuko nalang ang taong mahal ko! tama ba ginawa ko? Empty
PostSubject: Tama ba na isuko nalang ang taong mahal ko! tama ba ginawa ko?   Tama ba na isuko nalang ang taong mahal ko! tama ba ginawa ko? EmptyFri Sep 17, 2010 11:09 pm

Moving On!!!!!
To May
finally, maybe this would be the last letter you’ll receive from me. its hard for me to say and do this pero kailangan.. kailangan na nating mag move on, and for us to do that we have to go with our own separate lives. i guess, (i hope i’m right), it just won’t work this way. love alone is not enough to go on with a relationship. there are so many things to consider for us to continue our relationship. and besides wala naman nang nangyayari sa relayon natin. but you know what i had a great time being with you… and i hope you also did… masaya rin ako dahil you’ve been a part of my life. you’re one of the few people that i’ll never forget nor regret. sayang nga lang di tayo nagtagal. but don’t worry di man tayo nagtagal yung memories natin together i’ll keep it-forever. Most of all kaw lang nakapag pa bago sakin..sana pag nag mahal ka uli ung kayang tang gapin ng parents mo
para wala nang masakta pang iba!!!!!!
till here…

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Tama ba na isuko nalang ang taong mahal ko! tama ba ginawa ko?
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